Celebrating a birthday with a dear friend is always the best and this year she asked what I planned for this monumental year of my birth - my first answer was to develop a photography website! So this is the beginning of a new adventure - the first of many - a website of my own to encourage myself and hopefully others, to reach out for more new adventures, new beautiful moments and moments of awe. Each day is just so - adding another layer of dimension and another layer of texture. I love texture….
One of my favorite travel quotes comes from Mary Anne Radmacher -
“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.”
It speaks volumes of truth to me. My first travel abroad experience was in my 40’s and I just thought why did I wait so long to experience the beauty, richness of history and uniqueness of other countries and cultures. This first experience simply gave me the desire to travel more and attached itself to a lifelong passion of learning and love for a new hobby of taking photographs. Photography, to me, is a way to cement memories although I believe the photography never does justice to what we see as we stand on the bank of the Seine, marvel at the art in the Louvre, or offer solemn prayers of gratitude and prayers of peace in Normandy. And although, there is no place like home, I relish a new adventure abroad to broaden my mind.
Let’s go fly to another lands and people!